Premier League Stars Ready to Strike Over Club World Cup

Premier League stars are ready to strike over the Club World Cup, citing concerns over their already grueling schedules. Will they take a stand against FIFA's expanded tournament?
Premier League Stars Ready to Strike Over Club World Cup

Premier League Stars Ready to Strike Over Club World Cup

The Premier League’s top stars are ready to take drastic action if they are forced to participate in FIFA’s expanded Club World Cup. The tournament, set to take place in the summer of 2025, has been met with widespread criticism from players, managers, and league officials.

The Club World Cup is set to take place in the summer of 2025

According to sources, Premier League players are willing to go on strike if they are forced to participate in the tournament, which is set to take place over four weeks in the USA. One player was quoted as saying, “I’m a millionaire, but I don’t have time to spend the money.” This sentiment is echoed by many players who feel that the tournament will only add to their already grueling schedules.

“We have maybe reached that point.” - PFA chief executive Maheta Molango

The PFA, along with international players’ union FifPro, is calling for a minimum three-week break to be written into all professional contracts. This comes as a response to the increased workload that the Club World Cup will bring.

Premier League players are ready to take a stand

Two big-name managers, Jurgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola, have thrown their weight behind the criticism of the tournament. Their voices add to the growing chorus of opposition to the Club World Cup.

The Premier League has already begun making contingency plans, which may see Chelsea and Manchester City, who have qualified for the tournament, miss the start of the 2025-26 season if they progress far in the competition.

Chelsea and Manchester City may miss the start of the 2025-26 season

As the situation continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the Premier League’s top stars are ready to take a stand against the Club World Cup.