The Dark Side of Personalized Advertising: How Cookies are Compromising our Autonomy Online

A critical examination of the role of cookies in online advertising, exploring the implications for personal data, online security, and autonomy.
The Dark Side of Personalized Advertising: How Cookies are Compromising our Autonomy Online

The Hidden Dangers of Cookies in Online Advertising

As I scrolled through my favourite online news site the other day, I couldn’t help but notice the multitude of personalised ads popping up left and right. While I appreciate the convenience of seeing ads that align with my interests, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more sinister at play.

That’s when I stumbled upon the website’s cookie policy, buried deep within the ‘About Us’ section. As I read through the dense legalese, I began to grasp the full extent of what I had unwittingly signed up for.

It turns out that many online platforms, including Yahoo, use cookies to store and access information on our devices. On the surface, this seems harmless enough. After all, who doesn’t want a more seamless browsing experience?

However, the reality is far more complex. By allowing cookies, we are giving these platforms and their partners free rein to collect and use our personal data for their own purposes. This includes our IP address, browsing history, and even geolocation data.

Illustrating the dangers of online data tracking

I remember a time when I searched for a pair of shoes online, only to see ads for the same shoes popping up on every website I visited for the next week. At the time, I thought it was just a coincidence. But now I realize that this was all part of a larger game of data collection and manipulation.

Of course, we are given the option to reject or customize our cookie settings. But how many of us actually take the time to read through the fine print? And even if we do, how can we truly make informed decisions about our data when the language is so opaque and confusing?

The Problem with Personalized Advertising

Personalized advertising may seem like a convenience, but it also raises serious questions about our autonomy and agency online. When we are constantly being bombarded with ads tailored to our interests, are we really making our own choices or are we simply being manipulated?

“Personalized advertising is just a euphemism for manipulation” - Me

The widespread use of cookies and tracking technology is a major concern for online users

Furthermore, the use of cookies and other tracking technologies raises serious concerns about our data security and the potential for abuse. When we allow these platforms to collect and store our data, we are essentially trusting them to keep it safe.

But what happens when this data falls into the wrong hands? We’ve all heard stories of data breaches and cyber attacks, where sensitive information is stolen or compromised. It’s a very real risk that we take when we opt-in to cookie tracking.

Data breaches can have serious consequences for online users


The use of cookies in online advertising is a complex issue that raises serious concerns about our personal data, online security, and autonomy. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience to opt-out of cookies, the stakes are much higher than we realize.

As consumers, we need to take control of our data and make informed decisions about how it is used. This means taking the time to read through the fine print, opting out of cookies whenever possible, and demanding more transparency from online platforms.

It’s time for us to take back our data and our autonomy online.

Taking back control of our data is the first step towards a safer and more transparent online experience