The Devastating Impact of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine on East Africa's Food Security

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has had a devastating impact on East Africa's food security. This article explores the ways in which Russia's invasion of Ukraine has affected East Africa's food security and what can be done to mitigate these effects.
The Devastating Impact of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine on East Africa's Food Security
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on East Africa’s Food Security

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the borders of these two nations. One of the most significant effects of this conflict is the disruption of global food supplies, which has had a devastating impact on East Africa’s food security. In this article, we will explore the ways in which Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has affected East Africa’s food security and what can be done to mitigate these effects.

The Global Food Supply Chain

Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine was a major supplier of grain to countries around the world, accounting for approximately 10% of the global trade in wheat, corn, and barley. The uninterrupted flow of these exports was vital for maintaining global food security, particularly for countries with acute food needs. However, the war has disrupted trade and distorted prices, replacing predictability with volatility.

Grain being loaded onto a cargo ship in Ukraine

The Impact on East Africa

For East Africa, a net food importer, reliable and affordable imports are essential. However, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reduced grain supplies to Africa and driven up prices. Although the global economy eventually adapted to the initial shock, food and fuel prices in East Africa remain unusually high due to factors such as the depreciation of local currencies and adverse climate conditions.

A market in Kenya with high food prices

Efforts to Stabilize Prices and Supplies

Efforts have been made to stabilize prices and supplies, including the establishment of the Black Sea Grain Initiative in July 2022. This initiative allowed Ukraine to safely export grain, but Russia abruptly withdrew from the agreement, claiming that Western countries had not done enough to ease sanctions on Russian exports. This move was seen as a betrayal by African countries.

A graph showing the increase in food prices


The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has had a devastating impact on East Africa’s food security. The disruption of global food supplies has led to high food prices, which have had a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable populations. It is essential that efforts are made to stabilize prices and supplies, including the establishment of alternative trade routes and the provision of support to farmers in East Africa.

A farmer in East Africa