Uema in Action: A Week of Events and Announcements

A summary of the latest news and events from Uema, including design events, student participation in EXPOIMP, and announcements about research funding and scholarships.
Uema in Action: A Week of Events and Announcements
Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

A Week of Events and Announcements at Uema

The past week has been a busy one for the students and faculty of Uema, with a wide range of events and announcements taking place across the university’s various campuses.

Campus Codó Hosts Design Event

On July 16th, the Campus Codó hosted an event promoting the work of its Design students. The event was a great opportunity for the students to showcase their skills and creativity, and was well-attended by members of the university community.

Design students at the Campus Codó event

Uema Students Participate in EXPOIMP

Also on July 16th, a group of Uema students participated in the 54th EXPOIMP, a major exhibition of innovation and entrepreneurship. The event was a great opportunity for the students to learn about the latest developments in their field and to network with other professionals.

Uema students at the 54th EXPOIMP

EaD Uema Discusses Development Potential

On July 16th, the EaD Uema program held an event to discuss its potential for transforming development in the region. The event was well-attended by members of the university community and featured a number of presentations and discussions.

EaD Uema event attendees

PIBIC and PIBITI Results Announced

The university also announced the results of the PIBIC and PIBITI programs, which provide funding for research projects. The results were announced on July 16th and can be found on the university’s website.

PIBIC and PIBITI results

Other Events and Announcements

In addition to these events, the university also announced a number of other news items, including the opening of applications for a postdoctoral scholarship and the results of a selection process for a research program.

Uema news


Overall, it has been a busy week for Uema, with a wide range of events and announcements taking place across the university’s campuses. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for this vibrant and dynamic institution.