Zero Tolerance for Tragedy Chanting in the Premier League

A man has been arrested and charged for alleged tragedy chanting during a Manchester United vs Burnley match, as the Premier League takes a strong stance against this unacceptable behavior.
Zero Tolerance for Tragedy Chanting in the Premier League

Zero Tolerance for Tragedy Chanting in the Premier League

The Premier League has taken a strong stance against tragedy chanting, with a 44-year-old man from Lancashire being arrested and charged under Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. This comes after an incident during Manchester United’s home game against Burnley, where the individual was found to be causing harassment, alarm, or distress.

Police taking action against tragedy chanting

Greater Manchester Police have made it clear that they will not tolerate any incidents of tragedy chanting, and will deal with them robustly. This is part of a larger effort by soccer authorities and the police to clamp down on this unacceptable behavior.

“As we have enforced recently, continued incidents of tragedy chanting by anyone will not be tolerated and will be dealt with robustly,” said Greater Manchester Police in a statement.

Burnley Football Club has also taken a strong stance against tragedy chanting, stating that it takes a zero-tolerance approach to this behavior. The club is aware of offensive footage circulating on social media, and has asked that it be removed.

Tragedy chanting has no place in football

New measures have been put in place this season to tackle tragedy chanting, including stadium bans and potential criminal prosecution for those found guilty.

The Premier League has a responsibility to ensure that its stadiums are safe and welcoming for all fans. By taking a strong stance against tragedy chanting, the league is sending a clear message that this behavior will not be tolerated.

Football is a game for all, and tragedy chanting has no place in it

The arrest and charging of the 44-year-old man is a step in the right direction, and a warning to anyone who thinks that tragedy chanting is acceptable. The Premier League will continue to work with the police and football clubs to ensure that stadiums are free from this unacceptable behavior.

“Tragedy related gesturing and chanting is completely unacceptable, and Burnley Football Club take a zero-tolerance approach.” - Burnley Football Club